Major Projects
Read more about the Martu Rebuilding campaign
Protecting country, creating opportunities for Martu
Martu exclusive possession native title rights are the basis for JYAC’s work to maintain the highest standards of heritage protection on ngurra, as well as leverage economic and social development opportunities.
Resource companies, commonwealth, state and local government, and other land use proponents are increasingly interested in and active across ngurra. In the past 5 years, there has been an unprecedented growth of mining exploration across Martu ngurra, with 80+ companies and more than 400 granted or pending exploration tenements.
In the past 2 years, JYAC reported 150-200 Martu workers engaged annually in Martu IPA work, ranger/training programs, mining and exploration surveys and Martu landscape/heritage surveys, with total earnings exceeding $2million/year.
Field works will increase in coming years as exploration continues and transitions to mining project development.
Other JYAC priorities for the coming years include:
- Martu-led economic development that increases opportunities for Martu to live on ngurra
- Ngurra camps at Puntuwari and Mijijimaya for families to have safe, healthy places to stay
- Martu patrol to check on who is moving around ngurra
- Negotiating partnerships in roads, power and water systems on ngurra
- Generating carbon credits by Martu looking after ngurra
- Cultural landscape mapping, which will help Martu decide how and where land use happens