Martuku Jijiku Maya

Martuku Jijiku Maya

‘The Martu Student Hostel will be a place for learning and for young people to become the Martu leaders of tomorrow.’

Former JYAC chairperson, Melvin Farmer


Martuku Jijiku Maya is residential hostel in Newman for Martu secondary students living in remote Aboriginal communities in the western desert. The hostel allows them to pursue education and further training while maintaining strong connections with family and Country.

The houses are provided by BHP, and have been renovated to make them suitable as a student boarding facility with discrete accommodation for male and female students separated by a centralised administration hub and meeting place.

54 Reasons (formerly Save the Children) manages the facility and supports the students while they are living away from home.

The project has been delivered through a partnership between the Pilbara Development Commission, Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation (JYAC) (formerly Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation, the Martu Schools Alliance with the support of BHP.


“Martu children who want to further their academic studies need to be able to do that close to family and country and without having to go away to the city or other distant places. The Martu Student Hostel will allow students who want a good high school education to have that without moving away from their families. Families can stay on-country and in communities and know their children are safe and getting a good education close to home.”

Former JYAC chairperson Melvin Farmer


Thanks to our project supporters: